How to Prevent Rotator Cuff Injuries
Professions that require overhead lifting or sports that involve repetitive swinging and rotational movements of the arm can lead to serious rotator cuff injuries over time. However, there are ways you can minimize the development of a rotator cuff injury without sacrificing your professional responsibilities or the active lifestyle you’ve grown accustomed to enjoying.
To prevent the chronic pain, soreness, and shoulder joint stiffness that comes with a rotator cuff injury, physicians and physical therapists recommend that you practice:
Shoulder Exercises
A low-impact regimen of shoulder blade and muscle-strengthening exercises will help maintain shoulder health and prevent rotator cuff tears. Basic shoulder fitness routines include the weighted side lateral raise and bent-over dumbbell reverse fly.
Proper Posture
A slouched posture can not only lead to rotator cuff injury but also lower back pain, spinal misalignment, and mental anguish such as headaches and stress. By correcting your posture, you can prevent bodily wear-and-tear and increase confidence, alertness, and productivity.
Improved Sleep Positions
To relieve or prevent shoulder pain, avoid lying on your shoulder or sleeping with your arm outstretched overhead. Instead, try laying on your side with one pillow between your legs and keeping your shoulder in an open position by hugging your other pillow. This position will help take pressure off both your rotator cuff and spine.
Body Awareness
Mindfulness of your limitations and your body’s pain-threshold is crucial in preventing bodily harm or further damaging a past injury. Listen to your body. If you regularly participate in activities that cause rotator cuff stress such as swimming, baseball, tennis, or golf, stop or limit the intensity of those sports if you are experiencing any pain. Also, speak to your employer if any of your job duties are placing increased stress on your shoulder.
Rotator cuff injuries increase with age and the wear and tear that comes with daily living; however, such injuries do not have to diminish your quality of life. The best way to prevent a serious rotator cuff injury is to consult with an orthopedic specialist at the first sign of shoulder or rotator cuff pain.
Specialized Rotator Cuff Treatment
At the Advanced Orthopedics Institute, we can help stop the spread of rotator cuff pain by identifying the source of your discomfort and determining the right course of action to correct your injury. Call AOI today at 352-751-2862 to make your appointment.