Common Surgeries for Severe Hip Pain
Those who suffer from immobilizing and debilitating hip pain can be comforted by the fact that medical and technological advancements have created multiple treatment options for hip disorders and injuries. The most popular procedure recommended for those with severe hip pain is a hip replacement. During this operation, the ball-tipped section of the femur and hip socket are replaced with synthetic parts.
Goals of Common Hip Surgeries
Instead of living with hip pain, you can once again experience natural hip movement courtesy of advanced hip prosthetics. Other benefits of hip replacement surgery include:
- Easily replaceable implants – The man-made parts of a hip replacement or hip resurfacing do wear out or loosen over time. This typically happens within 15 to 20 years, and often requires another procedure — called a revision — to easily replace the implants.
- Reduced risk of hip dislocation – After a traditional hip replacement, the implanted synthetic ball fits in the socket to create the hip joint similar to the natural ball of the hip. This results in a more stable joint that is also less prone to dislocation.
- A more natural walking pattern – Following a hip procedure and recovery, a patient’s natural walking stride and balance are restored.
Hip Surgery Eligibility
You may be a candidate for hip surgery if you have advanced osteoarthritis and nonsurgical treatments have proven to be ineffective. Surgery is generally only considered if your hip issues are affecting your quality of life in a significant way and are interfering with your daily activities. Most patients experiencing severe hip pain are reasonable candidates for surgery. The type of implants and procedure are selected to suit each patient’s needs, age, and health status.
Hip Surgery Recovery
Depending on your specific situation, you should be able to put weight back on your leg soon after your procedure. You may require a walker or crutches initially, at least until you are comfortable walking without assistance. Most patients are able to return home after one to two days of hospital stay. They then receive physical therapy following their procedure to help restore strength and range of motion. Most patients can expect to resume their normal daily activities six weeks after surgery.
Hip Replacement Experts
The orthopedists at AOI are on hand to help diagnose and remedy your hip pain. If you have any questions about treatment options or surgery for your hip injury or would like to set up an appointment, call us today at 352-751-2862.